Wednesday, February 18, 2015

February 2014

Starting February with some Dunkin Donuts!
(not bad but NOTHING like "Moms Donuts" in Cali! 

I can remember this day! CAR TROUBLE!
not sure exactly what the problem was but I know it cost me around $500
for fix Ryan's car! Grrrr


Spent Valentines day with a couple of my brothers!
Good Times!

I just love these two pictures! Mason is my Cousin Janelle's son and he's
so much fun! This was a Kodak moment for him sitting in one spot!

I don't remember the exact reason but me and Alison ended up at
Kneaders all by ourselves!!!
This occasion might only happen once a year but glad it does!

My poor baby was sick the end of February!
She did a lot of cuddle time then and how I miss the cuddles...

Leah had her Kindergarten Orientation!
And Leah was so ready for this day!

Where do I begin!

2014 in Review

New Year's Eve we stayed up till midnight with the girls playing games and eating Junk!


We took advantage of our "Pass of All Passes"!

Starting the year right with a Hockey Game!
Alison received a Leader in Me award!

For Christmas we received a gift card for
California Pizza from Dad and Dana!
The food was Yummy and the Company was Great!

My First Post...2015!

Here we go more blog and let's make this one work!
I loved blogging back when I had three kids! It kept my family informed of my girls and
all that we did since we didn't live in the same town or state. 
Then FaceBook came around and that took over my time. 
I love FaceBook and love to see all my friends and what's going on in their lives but I'm spending way to much time on FB that it needs to come to an END! 
Blogging was a great journal and something I can make into books for my kids and 
give them something to look back on.